Lose Myself Overview

https://open.spotify.com/album/02uYcxW62WRmdA6XqgiMoo?si=jvV_JvumS9SoCDL1xnCIHg      Lose Myself Overview.                                   

  By:Shotty Mills            

   This song is part of  Shotty Mills album “Show and Tell”, which is available on Spotify, iTunes and all music platforms. Lose Myself indicates that sometimes in life we have lose ourselves to find ourselves. We all take different journeys within the landscape of our lives. That makes us who are, but we are guided along a different terrain of life. Throughout this song Shotty Mills brings a perspective and story of how he lost himself to find himself. In the culture of his own life Shotty knows how much, a struggle life can present with all of its uncertainties. But it’s through those uncertainties that you truly are revealed to your sense of purpose. Life ain’t worthless, it’s worth more than a faceless penny. In Shotty’s song “Show and Tell” he develops on the idea on: “Chase after it cause what do you got to lose/ When every new step taken opens your bruises. In this particular bar Shotty is stating that even when life strikes you down. You must persevere and overcome, despite the unforeseen outcomes that arises.                                                                             In addition, he starting also that no matter what happens, a situation will become your sculpture. In other words, what you lose sometimes is your biggest gain. And that sometimes to find yourself, you have to let the past burn into flames. Finding yourself, in a modern world today ravaged the access to technology. It is absolutely a challenge. Due to the rise, in high demands for reacting to everything seen on our screens. You can check out Shotty Mills album Show and Tell on Spotify, iTunes and all music platforms! 


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