Rapper’s Guidebook

 Rappers Guidebook.                                                  By: Shotty Mills.                                                            It all started for me with a blank sheet of paper. I had no intention of ever finding the words to express my feelings. But eventually I was able to find this through my music. And this is when I started writing in my rappers guidebook, I wrote down all the feedback I received in this book. Also, in this book I catalogued all my rhymes. And also I reflected on ways that I can improve myself. This is what really launched me off and kick started my overall career. Not even in the blink of an eye. I never thought, I would ever unveil the greatness. That I have within me, but I found it. And that’s what my rap guidebook did for me, it was a guide that guided me a long my path! I encourage everyone who is reading my blog to do the same in their lives. 


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