How Much Music Should You Release in a Year?
How Much Music Should You Release in a Year? By: Shotty Mills Within a year it can be a challenge to figure out how much music to release within a given year. But it's still fairly important to understand and counterbalance everything out. Music is such a diverse culture, and it has such a resound impact on society as a whole. The music industry has changing trends that occur on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. But you have to figure out how music, you should release within a year. This way, you can have set goals that are set and stone. To help you set your long-term goals ahead of time when it comes to the releasing of your music. We all see it, and sometimes we underestimate how music you can release within a given year. But it's also important to place marketing as a factor in play as well. If you release too much music within a year, you will get lots of people interested. But however would this be the ideal marketing strategy to help generate more overall leads. These ...