Grasp what you Can Grab
Grasp what you Can Grab What does grasp what you can grab really mean? It means that you should seize any opportunity that presents itself. Never limit yourself, you truly have to grasp what you desire. Its your burning desire to really have something that will change your life. In regards my music, I have made so far in my career. It’s been a journey, and I have enjoyed the bumps of the road. Eventually, I am planning to perform at shows here soon. But right now in this present moment, I am seizing the opportunity as it presents itself. Nothing will ever change, no matter how things will present. You never when life can take a turn; but never ever turn on yourself. At the end of you day, you are in full control. You are the one that can dictate the makeup of your future. So change your future, and also go listen to my podcast Shooting for the Stars with Shotty Mills!
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