Different Styles in Rap
Different Styles in Rap. By: Shotty Mills Rap is very diverse in that way and building a unique style. It really does make you prominent amongst a crowd of people. Imagine you working on different styles, and becoming a master of all those different areas. But sometimes in order to become a master I’m other areas. You will have to learn from other artists to really hone in on your style. It took me at least a good ten years before, I found the style I really liked in myself. In particular in my early rap days, I often faltered when working on my craft. But to this day now, I am grateful for those challenging times. Those challenging times have actually taught me: how to pull back the covers of my music career. For any of you young up and coming artists reading this right now. I want you to understand keep working on perfecting your craft. The more you spend perfecting your craft, the more that your future self will thank you for it! So love your craft, and be passionate about it! And always work on different styles to improve yourself in different areas of your music!
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