You are the Artist of your Life

 You are the Artist of your Life                                            By: Shotty Mills.                                                                 You are truly the artist of your life. The artist that paints your every move. For every move that you initiate is your keystroke. This is the way, I see music now. To be successful in the music industry, you have to be artist in numerous ways. Work on perfecting your skills into subset skills. That you can focus on harnessing one by one. Rather, than trying to collectively try to learn and cram everything all at once. When you are an artist of your life, you are in control of the life that unfolds around you. You may mistakes or have mistakes painting the picture in your life. But the truth is, you can paint everyday, as your heart deeply desires. I paint everyday with a portrait portrayed on creating my future for the better through my creative means. Everyday that I wake up, I learn new skills that I can work on to get my creative juices flowing. An artist in your life is what will paint your future. It may not be the most picture perfect, but at least you are creating a future before your eyes! 


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