College Days Up Coming Release

 College Days Upcoming Release.
                              By: Shotty Mills.                                                           Shotty’s Mills new song “College Days” will be releasing soon on Spotify, iTunes and all music platforms. After a long awaited wait, Shotty has decided to release this track. After Shotty’s most recent album release “Show and Tell” Shotty is aiming to make his mark once again. This song was inspired by one of Shotty’s favourite artists J.Cole. Through this track Shotty aims to raise awareness for college and university students. And set the bar for how they can overcome their daily struggles.                            As a recent graduate, Shotty knows how this feels. It can be completely agonizing studying late nights and those long lectures. Also, at times I can be frustrating, but it’s all worth the long road. Shotty shares his experiences, in his college days. Also, he depicts the idea of how college flies by like an arrow. But with the support of a strong peer group, you can conquer the world. This served as a baseline for Shotty to find his path, and carve it within his music journey. This release wasn’t highly anticipated, but it’s in a timely manner. Shotty knows that his music will speak to the angels of the earth. And eventually his music will be known on the face of earth. In the meantime, I would greatly appreciate the support and love! Help me spread the word about my upcoming single! Stay tuned, and keep up to tabs with my content on my Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram. 


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