Get Real with your Music

 Get Real with your Music

By: Shotty Mills

You have probably heard this statement before. But it's the cold hearted truth, you must get real with your music. To ultimately get real with yourself. Keep consistently aiming to elevate yourself, and believe in yourself in what you do. It all comes from within, so you must get real with yourself to express yourself truly. I realize this more and more everyday, but I know it's hard to be genuine. As people will always judge you and have something to say. But don't let that ever hinder you from achieving the impossible. Realness comes straight from the heart, and you truly have to believe in it for it. Not only should you get real with your music, but also get real with yourself. Be self-aware of your own self-assumptions that you hold against yourself. Once you get real with yourself, and your music. This is when you will attract the right people to walk into your life to guide you along your musically journey. This is what I have a realized lately, and this is why I encourage to network. You can't get real with the world, if you don't supplement yourself to get real with yourself first. 

Once you get real with your music, as well. It will start to kickstart your ability for you to gain more exposure. The more that you expose yourself, and get real with yourself, the more likely your fans will turn into future clients. This is the empire, I aiming to establish everyday through my arts, and my creative works. It may not be easy to get real with yourself. But once you get real yourself, you will realize you have the ability to change the world through the darkest seas!


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