What Makes Musical Sense?
What Makes Musical Sense?
By: Shotty Mills
Musical sense refers to the sense that one feels within a deeper and profound connection with music. This deeper connection ultimately grows your third eye within music. And what makes musical sense is what you truly make of it. In a sense we all have varying musical tastes that make us more accustomed to the music that we hear. A music marketing business is like a network marketing business. A business marketing page is something that makes musical sense for instance. When someone says making musical sense they are putting a reference point of music staying congruent with one's musical ability. The musical sense that we feel becomes an inherent part of someone. A musical sense is like having set of eyes on seeing life through a different lens.Musical is referring to music deep within the heart and soul. It's a soul seeking journey to truly find your musical sense. As an artist it took a prolonged journey to truly find my music sense.
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