
Showing posts from December, 2020

Recording Equipment Required for Home Studio

 Recording Equipment for Home Studio .                     By: Shotty Mills.                                                                    Some may say that you need to have an array of equipment for a home studio. But just starting out, you could just be working with a laptop and in a built microphone. But after these stages, you can work your way up the corporate ladder. It’s not easy climb, but staring your recording home studio. It’s an accomplishment in itself, in that. You are aiming to advance yourself and your brand wholeheartedly. In other words, you are working towards being able to deliver your content at your convenience and your pace. The question that may be raised amongst a crowd of people is: what do you need for a home studio?     ...

Duet on my YouTube Channel


Reaction of CD Album Release

 Reaction of CD Album Release Show and Tell .         By:Shotty Mills.                                                         It’s been a heated debate with “Shotty’s recent album release “Show and Tell”. In his hometown densely populated by the oilfield with just under seven thousand. No doubt his album has gotten some publicity amongst the world and hometown. But Shotty hopes that the message of this album lingers in the minds of others. Despite, the struggles Shotty has encountered this year, especially with the virus in full swing. He has made the absolute most, with his resources at hand. Fans around Shotty’s hometown have praised him for his poetic demeanor. Although, this is just the beginning of the Shotty Mills era. He has a lot at stake for the coming years ahead. This album release was something Shotty has been l...

Create More and More

 Create More and Mor e.                                            By: Shotty Mills.                                                      Through Shotty’s content he aims to provide value to his set audience. By creating more and more and becoming a master of his craft. In our minds we become truly what we chose to create. In the creation of the mind is where creativity is established. You look at all those creatives that have come before set time. They provide us with a baseline, in which we can flex our creative muscles. It’s all about creating that mind and body connection for yourself. Whatever the mind thinks it can do, the body will take it there. We all live in world defined by creation, it all started back with Adam and Eve. 

Defining the Type of Music you Make

 Defining the Type of Music you Make By: Shotty Mills It may be a raised question that numerous people from various circles of crowds will ask you. As being a brand known as Shotty Mills, I am starting to get a taste of this whole subject. But to some individuals this question can be quite subjective depending on your audience. The thing that some artists may never understand is that, you defining the type of music you make. This could be pertinent with experimenting with different sounds, different lyrics and such. This is what makes the music industry so vast and there's always room for advancement. Maybe the type of music you make may be an indication of where you need to go with your music career. In particular what steps do you need to take towards your destination. Do you need to do more marketing to help drive your band? What branding campaigns can you apply to help drive your brand name? Step up on where you stand as a brand, and see that you have to know your customers. Th...

How do you Provide Value with Music

How do you Provide Value with Music?                       By: Shotty Mills.                                                               Through what scope: do you see value in music? It could be through a scope of your own struggles. But everyone would have varying answers, in providing value with music. In all honesty the value your provide with your music is all wrapped around your head. I aim to provide value through my music to help drive my inner strength. We all struggle sometimes to find our sense of identity. But the most important thing is not to lose the aspects of your integrity. And furthermore not slot it on a pathway towards jeopardy. Ask yourself: how can you provide more value? Can you switch up your music a little bit to make it prominent amongst the crowd. Thi...

Right from the Wrong in Music

 Right from the Wrong in Music .                               By:Shotty Mills                                                             How do you separate the right from the wrong? To separate yourself from the right and wrong. You have to understand there’s sometimes no right or wrong way. But taking that wrong way can make you realize, you will have to make some adjustments. Those adjustments lead for you to experiment and try new things. When you try new things, you realize new things. And those new things will allow you to filter out the past. Sometimes you may feel that those new things are scary to try. But the moment you try, the moment you wire your brain to win. This in then stimulates hormones in your brain and then your brain becomes accustomed t...

What are your Musical Goals?

 What are your Musical Goals? By: Shotty Mills All musicians struggle with this at some point within their careers. Should I focus more on marketing or focus on music. At times this can dim your focal magnifier. And potentially stop you from accomplishing your greatest potential that you have boiling within you. Music is very vast it what is has to offer, and you can choose numerous paths within the music industry. But it's just a matter of knowing which particular niche that you want to target. So like if you want to target on particular audience that's more tailored for music storytelling. Then you should gravitate more towards that specific niche. Sometimes you need to sacrifice working on certain areas to see what other areas, you need to improve upon overall. To achieve anything, you must first know what your goals are truly, in order for you to manifest them. We all struggle with this, at some dew point that we must hurdle over. Ask yourself: what message do I want my aud...

Music is a Diverse Culture

 Music is a Diverse Culture                                     Music is a vast and never growing culture. For me, I have noticed even how independent musicians don’t need a record label anymore. With the variety of platforms out there to post new music and such. It’s so readily available at the tip of a fingertips. This in a way makes the music industry a diverse culture. Similarly, to any country out in the world. It would consist of numerous people from varying audiences. But how I can one target such an audience. In order to truly embody the landscape of their brand. We are sometimes unaware that the diversity within music. It’s runs deep and it dates back even before current ear. Someone back then had to discover music. But since then music has evolved, and even has created its own branches of genres. But whatever genre is your forte diversity is prevalent. What we in the diversity of mus...

Musical Process

 Musical Process .                                                       By: Shotty Mills.                                                      What process in particular: do you use within the musical process? The musical process involves applying a variety of techniques to create harmony. When you create harmony within your music. You will actively engage your audience on a much higher level. Musical speaking, you have to understand what particular standpoint do you want to speak from. You must learn to listen to music closely, and develop listening with a third ear. A third ear to not only just listen to the words. But also study how the melody flourishes with the overall beat. When you understand how melody works...