Musical Process

 Musical Process
.                                                       By: Shotty Mills.                                                      What process in particular: do you use within the musical process? The musical process involves applying a variety of techniques to create harmony. When you create harmony within your music. You will actively engage your audience on a much higher level. Musical speaking, you have to understand what particular standpoint do you want to speak from. You must learn to listen to music closely, and develop listening with a third ear. A third ear to not only just listen to the words. But also study how the melody flourishes with the overall beat. When you understand how melody works in your favor. Suddenly, you will start to develop a sixth sense of your music. You will understand, not just the logistics. But also the overall harmony of the music. As I have mentioned earlier. I am still learning the ins and outs of musical theory. But thus far this is what, I have learned, as an artist this year. 


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