
Showing posts from November, 2020

Music to your Ears

 Music to your Ears                                                      By: Shotty Mills.                                                        Listen carefully to what type of music that you tune into on a daily basis. Is that music that you listen to really music to your ears? Put your listening ears to work. An artist listening to their music is crucial. It provides a starting point for where an artist can develop from. Despite, music coming in many different shapes or forms. Music that is played over and over again within the head serves its purpose. A purpose that allows an artist to evaluate where they need to improve upon in their overall sound design. Ask yourself: if what you are writing and producing...

Learning Music Theory

 Learning Music Theory                                              By: Shotty Mills.                                                        Currently, I’m studying more into music theory. I feel learning music theory is imperative in delivering your message of your music. Since when the melody and different and cord progressions flow together in harmony. That’s when it all flows together in perfect combination with each other. Like with anything, you will have to study the fundamentals. In order to truly become the master of your craft. As of late, I have been listening to more music and analyzing melodies, cord progressions and etc. You don’t want to neglect studying the varying aspects of music theory.       ...

Music is a Piece of Art

 Music is a Piece of Ar t                                               By:Shotty Mills                                                             Music is a piece of art. A piece of art that is sculpted within your mind. When you mesh it all together, in perfect unison it flows like a cascade. We all have had that moment of being present in the moment. To me that is what, a piece of art being in the moment. Within any moment, if you stay in the moment. You can create anything that your set your mind to. Every piece of art that your create is like a building block. A building block that you lay down a solid foundation for your success. Any creative person can relate to this knowing music is who you are. It’s not what oth...

Listen to all Types of Music

 Listen to all Types of Music                                         By: Shotty Mills.                                                        Why should you listen to all types of music? You should listen to all types of music. Since the more types of music that you expose yourself to. The more melodies that you will pick up when you are producing beats and such. Despite, rap being my primary genre, I still familiarize myself with other music. Like I have mentioned before music is a universal language. A language that everyone can understand across all platforms of life. There’s always something new that you learn from another artist you listen to. Maybe it’s there’s vocal delivery, or anything like that. 

Writing Process

 Writing Process .                                                         By: Shotty Mills.                                                        What’s your writing process? We all have different writing processes. The agonizing feeling of not knowing where to start, with only a blank page. Although, this is all part of the writing process. It’s part of makes the writing process worth your while. To accumulate any particular skill, it will requires you to see the bigger picture. The writing process is a bigger picture that you must learn to see. If you see that’s what will make your writing process truly unique. In a sense, we are all made to create. But why do so few of us create without considering the...

Music from the Heart

 Music from the Heart .                                               By: Shotty Mills.                                                   When you speak from your heart truly. This is when people will start to notice you speaking the truth. A truth that will set you free to roam along. I love how writing allows you to make music from the heart. If humans hearts beat, at a certain beats per minute. And music is set at a certain beats for minute. Then really music is truly a universal language. People always ask, where do you speak from. I speak directly from my heart, because I’m true to me. I know sometimes everything splutters uncontrollably. But just know that music will always be spoken from the heart. It took me a while to stomach this realit...

Create More and More

 Create More and More                                                By: Shotty Mills.                                                        The truth is, you must keep creating. Keep on persisting to create more than you can imagine. Even 2 Pac and Shakespeare they created lots. They knew that creating more opened more opportunities to exercise their creative juices. Start by writing one page and develop from that. You don’t have to knock it out of park. The first time around. Take your time to create and fall in love with the art. When you are creative, you exercise both hemispheres of the brain. And when you do so, you create more opportunities for growth and advancement. Find inspiration in the world around you, and talk ...

Don’t Sleep on the Dream

Don’t Sleep on the Dream .                                         By:Shotty Mills.                                                       Don’t sleep on the dream that you desire. Sometimes I find myself often sleeping on the dreams I have created. In the blink eye sometimes you are completely blinded. But when you are blinded, you soon realize when your dreams are aligned with. In my music sometimes, I may even feel I sleep on my dreams. With a pen in pinch of my hand. And a paper scattered all around the mahogany table in front. The utter disappointment sometimes is what teaches you to accept yourself. Music is a diverse culture, and it has various outlooks. That’s what I love about music, it has so many different perspectives. In a sense music is like t...

Believe in what you have Created

 Believe in what you have Created .                           By:Shotty Mills.                                                             Ask yourself: what have you created for yourself? Do you believe in what you have truly created for yourself? This is a question that raises within my mind on a daily basis. Sometimes I even struggle with it to the point of putting the pin down. No matter what you do, people are always going to pin you down. They are going to try to sell yourself short of true potential. But always remember, you are much greater than any barrier you face. Even the most utmost and skilled music artists. They struggled for years before they attained their height of success. As being a creator and creative, I know this all too well. It’s a struggle to pu...

Message Behind College Days

 Message Behind my New Track College Days                         By: Shotty Mills.                                                                       As many of you may already know, I just released a new music album called “Show and Tell”. This music album was a great introduction to my musical journey. It’s been a long ride, but I’m looking forward to see where my music takes me. Followed by my most recent release last night. My new track “College Days” released on Spotify, iTunes and all music platforms. I just recently graduated college earlier this year, and I wanted to write something to discuss my college experience. This one goes out to all my college and university students struggling through college. I know it can be tedious, but those l...

Shotty Mills College Days Single Announcement Video


College Days Up Coming Release

 College Days Upcoming Release.                               By: Shotty Mills.                                                           Shotty’s Mills new song “College Days” will be releasing soon on Spotify, iTunes and all music platforms. After a long awaited wait, Shotty has decided to release this track. After Shotty’s most recent album release “Show and Tell” Shotty is aiming to make his mark once again. This song was inspired by one of Shotty’s favourite artists J.Cole. Through this track Shotty aims to raise awareness for college and university students. And set the bar for how they can overcome their daily struggles.                            As a recent graduate, Shotty knows how this...

College Days Releasing Soon on all Music Platforms

 College Days Single Releasing Soon on Spotify, iTunes and all Music Platforms                                 By: Shotty Mills.                 Add caption

Working with Different Sounds

Working with Different Sounds  By:Shotty Mills Like with anything, you will have to apply different techniques, and experiment. When you experiment with different sounds, and such you will eventually discover your own style. This is the way that yourself unique amongst the crowd, don't just become a music artist without marketing yourself. Metaphorically, you can work with different sounds, as well to help drive your vibrations. Those vibrations are signals sent from the universe that will help you drive yourself towards your desired future. First, off you should just start off by getting creative, and getting real with yourself. Creativity is all set and stone, it should be constantly developed on. To help drive yourself to much higher horizons within the scope of your future. I over the years have had to harness different styles before, I actually was able to express myself truly. Unruly, it hurt me even more, not knowing, where my future was going to lead me. With the rise in de...

Get Real with your Music

 Get Real with your Music By: Shotty Mills You have probably heard this statement before. But it's the cold hearted truth, you must get real with your music. To ultimately get real with yourself. Keep consistently aiming to elevate yourself, and believe in yourself in what you do. It all comes from within, so you must get real with yourself to express yourself truly. I realize this more and more everyday, but I know it's hard to be genuine. As people will always judge you and have something to say. But don't let that ever hinder you from achieving the impossible. Realness comes straight from the heart, and you truly have to believe in it for it. Not only should you get real with your music, but also get real with yourself. Be self-aware of your own self-assumptions that you hold against yourself. Once you get real with yourself, and your music. This is when you will attract the right people to walk into your life to guide you along your musically journey. This is what I hav...

Business Cards Available Soon

 Business Cards Available Soon for my Brand .                         By:Shotty Mills.                                                             To market myself even further. Recently, I just self-created my own business cards to represent my brand Shotty Mills. Along with my contact information to my professional email and website. Also, on here, you can see the links to my social media. My album cover for my album “Show and Tell” is also well depicted on here. Everyday I continue find new ways to ultimately promote myself to a wider audience. Sometimes it’s all about taking that initiative to push your brand. And that’s what I’m aiming to do ultimately. This is all part of my set branding campaign, so I can drive the business I want to represent. If any of my followers a...

The Art of Music

 The Art of Music                                                         By: Shotty Mills.                                                        The music industry has numerous forms of art of music. Art in music means that through music, you can make and create whatever your heart desires. When you speak from your heart that is also known as the art of music. For all those artists out there, you must know that music is a form of art. This form of art can change the shape of your musical future. Artistically music can have, a variety of meanings to numerous people. An artist is someone, who knows what they represent, and where they stand. For all the creatives out there, keep on creating content like you ...